The Coulage Tank

OUT OF THE MACHINE 3, a monologue by Rupert Mallin

Rupert Mallin

This is the concluding monologue of Bag Man Clive. Will he eat his Big Meaty? And what's he doing with those matches?


I’m gonna crack open a beer!
I may crack open a beer…
I’ve been made up, you see – from the second bagger to the first bagger!
Straight up! Out of the blue!

Kenny wasn’t hitting the targets, see – and I was!
Kenny’s put on Returns but I reckon he’ll soon be out the door – never to return!
So, me – I’m first bagger!

I get 57p more an hour – and I get to tell second bagger and third bagger exactly 
what to do.

They’ll have to work faster.
Faster than me!
I start on Monday…

I don’t believe what Kenny told Smiley though: that he’d cycled past the factory last Wednesday after midnight – pissed up again, shouldn’t wonder – and he saw the 
supervisor – he reckons - directing the lorry lad and lass as they unloaded pallet 
after pallet of cardboard boxes.

Kenny - just sour grapes cos he can’t hit the bagging targets!
I mean, they’ve got a fantastic bagging facility at the factory now. Why go back to 
cardboard when it’s so expensive? I don’t get that. It’s just shrivelled sultanas from 
Kenny - Kenny getting his own back…

Well, me, First Bagger, eh?
I’m getting a pizza delivery to celebrate and then I’ll crack open the beer!

What the hell was Kenny doing outside the factory after midnight?
He must think something’s going on.
Linda from Labels asked management last week if our jobs are safe. “Yarz” said the 
“As safe as can be expected.”
Expected? What’s that mean – expected?


Ah, my pizza.


My Big Meaty – thanks.
Don’t you want to take the box back?
The cardboard box?
You always take the box back if it’s delivered in a box. 
A lot of mine now come on a plastic tray…
Oh… I see… Thanks… 


Pizza, in a delivery box, a cardboard box.
He’s letting me keep the box…
He says it’s all changed.
They’ve gone back to cardboard – better than plastic. Yes but—
He says price of plastic has gone through the roof! We’re back to cardboard, he says.

I’ve gone off my Big Meaty.

What if Kenny’s right?
What if there’s no more second bagger, no more third bagger when I get in on Monday?I’ll be the lone bagger! And if I’m the lone bagger what about my 57 pence pay rise?

What about me telling others what to do?
What about bagging and bags?
If there’s no bags…

I’m going to strangle Kenny!
He’s after the first job in boxes! Cardboard boxes! 
He’s always been keener on boxes!

What about bagging? Eh?
What about me?

We’ve got to make a stand for bagging! For me…

Kenny told Smiley they were “keeping the cardboard under wraps in the second warehouse.”

But you know…
I’ve got a bike.
I’m restless at night. 
I’m restless tonight.

Somewhere, in the cupboard, there’s a big box of those kitchen matches.
In a cardboard box.
Haven’t been used.

Ah, I tell you what: my appetite’s coming back…
Mmm, Big Meaty!

You can’t keep this bag man down.